While Hillary Clinton is trying to connect Barack Obama with accused Tony Rezko, she forgot to that a look at the Skeletons in Her Closet. Guess who? The Clintons & Tony Rezko… just the three of them.

This morning a photo surfaced of Bill and Hillary Clinton smiling with Tony Rezko. She was forced to answer to the photo this morning on the Today Show, saying only that she didn't remember meeting Rezko and that her comments to Obama were merely a "counter attack."
"I don't know the man, wouldn't know him if he walked in the door, I don't have a 17 year relationship with him..." she told host Matt Lauer. [End]
Sounds familiar? "I don't know that woman... I never seen that woman in my life... I did not have sex with that woman... I wouldn't know that woman if she walked through the door."
It's the Clinton way.
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